Brisbane South:  
07 3324 1966
Brisbane North:  
07 3359 4800

Caroma Essence Rail Shower


Check if this product is in stock:

Brisbane South: 07 3324 1966


Brisbane North: 07 3359 4800

Store locations
Northside: 741 Gympie Road Chermside Queensland 4032
Southside: 603 Logan Road Greenslopes Queensland 4120


The Caroma Essence Rail Shower offers a combination of style, functionality, and water efficiency, making it a great choice for upgrading your bathroom. Its classic deluxe styling with slide height adjustment convenience adds a touch of elegance and practicality to your shower space.

Let's prepare your home to welcome this amazing shower rail. Here's what you can do:

1. Measure and Prepare: Start by measuring the available space in your bathroom to ensure that the Essence Rail Shower will fit comfortably. Make sure there's enough clearance for the showerhead and that it won't be obstructed by any fixtures.

2. Contact Sink & Bathroom Shop: Give them a call to inquire about the availability of the Caroma Essence Rail Shower with Overhead. Confirm the price of $856.00 and check if they have any ongoing promotions or discounts.

3. Check WELS Rating: The WELS (Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards) rating of 3 stars indicates that the shower is water-efficient. It's good to know that you'll be saving water while enjoying a refreshing shower experience.

4. Installation: If you're comfortable with DIY projects, you may consider installing the shower rail yourself. However, if you're not confident or lack the necessary tools and skills, it's best to hire a professional plumber to ensure a proper installation.

5. Customize Spray Settings: The Essence Rail Shower offers three spray settings, allowing you to personalize your shower experience. Familiarize yourself with these settings and find the one that suits your preferences.

6. Soap Dish Placement: With the easy reach soap dish, you can keep your soap conveniently within reach during your showers. Ensure that it's installed in a comfortable and accessible location for your needs.

7. Safety Measures: If you have children or elderly individuals in your home, consider installing some non-slip mats or adhesives in the shower area to prevent accidents.

8. Clean and Tidy: Before the new shower rail is installed, take the opportunity to thoroughly clean your bathroom. A fresh, clean environment will make the new addition even more appealing.

9. Enjoy Your New Shower: Once everything is set up and ready, take the time to indulge in the wonderful shower experience provided by the Caroma Essence Rail Shower. With its slide height adjustment and various spray settings, you'll have a delightful time every time you step into your new shower space.

Remember, it's essential to follow the manufacturer's instructions for installation and maintenance to ensure the shower rail remains in top-notch condition for years to come.

Contact Information:

Sink and Bathroom Shop

Brisbane South: 07 3324 1966 |
Brisbane North: 07 3359 4800 |

You can also visit their store locations:
Northside: 741 Gympie Road Chermside Queensland 4032
Southside: 603 Logan Road Greenslopes Queensland 4120


Additional information




WELS 3 Star rated

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